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« I choose my words just like I choose my notes, always trying to give the best. Words are poetry, dream…

Nothing is good enough for the public…  I have no other intention than providing dream.. Singing is a state of soul, a matter of conviction and above all of emotion !”

Moving forward in life is a way of finding yourself. Maturity,  provided by years brings you back to  the innocence of the first steps of existence, but in a more serene, assumed and solid version, enriched by one's experience.

Catherine Lara has never lost the key to her childhood. The emotions of this five-year old girl who, instinctively and with respect,  made her father’s violin cords vibrate, are still intact !

As eclectic and courageous as could be due to her free opinions, expressed as an artist but also as a woman, Catherine Lara’s career is exactly the same : an audacious and successful mixture of a raw talent that she beautifully polished preserving her integrity and generosity with much lucidity and tenderness.​​​

This amazing author, composer and singer has, all through her career, proven to be a non-stop collector of successes, conservatories first prize awards, top 50 songs,

sold out concerts and tours, golden records awards...

Catherine Lara - Johann en live dans le Grand Studio RTL - RTL - RTL
Catherine Lara - Nuit Magique (Live Age Tendre 3)
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